Hello all! Week two of the bachelor has arrived!
Here we go.
This second episode begins by sort of recapping the last episode in about 75 seconds. That's impressive! After this we see Sean working out. Dude works out a lot. I'm not complaining! And yes, he is shirtless. Mmm. Gimme some more of that! Ha. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a good photo of this. I'm sorry if I just depressed you. Read on, there are plenty of photos.
Holy Toledo! ABC went there! After Sean finishes his ten second work out we see him showering. Jaws drop and ladies swoon. Oh goodness gracious. How awkward was that for Sean you think to have cameras watch him shower. What a sight.
And we have more v-necks! Brown this time.
Yes. I love this. So incredibly sexy.
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In this next scene the ladies gather around in a room at the bachelor mansion and listen to Chris Harrison talk about Sean. I love the colors of the room. Very nice paint work.
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Chris has the first date card. Kristy reads it. Let's see who gets the date! It's Sarah! She will enjoy the first date of the season. She must be so excited. I, for sure would be! I wonder who helps her get ready. As she is getting ready a helicopter arrives at the mansion. Seriously? A helicopter? I guess it is The Bachelor. Getting a car to pick up a girl for a date is too boring. This show is known for their extraordinary modes of transportation and exotic locations for dates. Which is awesome!
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I wish I could ride in a helicopter. I would have a blast!
Everyone runs out to see it. Smart move girls. Now you are all covered in dirt. Hopefully no one spent too much time getting pretty.
Sean and Sarah fly over Los Angeles and finally land on a skyscraper that is 300 feet from the ground.
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This should be interesting. He tells her they will free fall all the way down the building to where they have champagne waiting for them. This is the beginning of Sarah’s freak-out session. “Free fall?! What catches you?” She says, still freaking out. The ground, Sarah, the ground catches you. Just kidding that would be tragic. She continues to freak out as they are getting ready to fall. It’s scary for me to even watch them, I think I would be freaking out a lot more.
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It’s basically like a rollercoaster ride. Extreme speeds and it’s done in about thirty seconds. I’m not a huge fan of rollercoasters. I went to Six Flags once, it was fun at the end when I decided to be fearless and try all of the rollercoasters. (At the beginning it took some time getting used to the atmosphere). Side note: I love the blurred out Jurassic Park T-shirt the guy was wearing! They make it down and enjoy some one on one deep conversation while sipping on champagne. Sarah begins talking about her arm again. She tells a cute story, very inspiring. But were the zooms on her half arm really necessary?
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Meanwhile, back at the house another date card arrives! Love the doorbell. I didn't know card stock was able to do that! Maybe only the special date cards from this show can ring doorbells. Anything is possible at the Bachelor mansion. Robyn is too excited to read it. It turns out to be a group date! Its members include Kristy, Amanda, Brooke, Lesley M, Daniella, Catherine, Robyn, Katie, Selma, Diana, Taryn, Kacie and Tierra.
As they get ready we flash back to Sean and Sarah. They talk about her past relationship and he gives her a rose. And a kiss. Several kisses. Very tiny ones. She only had one date with the guy and already she’s falling in love? There’s still eight weeks ahead, girl. Still got quite a journey to go! But it’s cute that she’s already admitting it.
The girls all get into the limo together and drive to a “castle” as they call it. It does look like a castle. This is where Ashley and J.P. had their beautiful wedding. It was really lovely.
Sean is standing on the balcony, looking absolutely handsome
waiting for the girls. “What’s up giiiirrrrls!” I love how he said that.
Absolutely loved it.
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Photo credit: ABC |
Kacie’s occupation is still Ben’s season.
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The girls follow Sean into the mansion and he tells them they are doing a photo shoot. Oh man does Kristy get excited! If I was a professional model and was doing this every day for a living I wouldn't be this excited. Can Kristy’s shorts be any shorter? She might as well not be wearing any. Again, she is overjoyed and freaking out that she will have this once in a lifetime opportunity to dress up and model in front of a camera. Ha. “Kristy has extensions!” Tierra says, stunned. Then goes on about how she is 100% all natural. Yeah, we all can see your [fake] naturalness, Tierra. Moving on...
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The girls are dressed in pretty gowns, cowgirl outfits, vampires and historical figures. Diana will get her “country on” as she puts it. And Lesley M. gets quite intimate with Sean. He gets his shirt ripped off (of course, right? I'm surprised it even took this long) and a kiss between the two is suggested. They kiss and all of the girls become jealous and give mean glares. Especially Tierra, the queen of mean glares. With her arched eyebrows. Girl, please.
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Tierra’s turn for the photo shoot! She couldn't resist but kiss him. Personally I don’t think she did well at the photo shoot but I also don’t think she cares. What am I talking about? She performs for the camera all the time when she plays this sweet, smiley character with Sean and a serious b-word with the girls in the house when Sean isn't around. Sean was right on the money when he said she may have a catty side to her.
I can talk about Tierra all day, but I believe it’s the very excited Ford model Kristy’s turn for her photo shoot with Sean. Could she be any more ecstatic? Her smile is so big I think I see all of her 50 teeth! (I know she doesn't have 50 teeth, it's just an expression. I'm not dumb).
The photo shoot is over and we already know who won without needing it to be confirmed. Congrats to the Ford model who does this every day. Girlfriend was too excited! I'm sure you will have a grand time with your three book covers. My favorite line of this episode so far belongs to Selma when she says, “Girl you can haaaave the cover, I’m gonna have the man.” Just the way she says it and watching her facial expression is awesome! Selma, you crack me up!
Sean wants to get out of his clothes so he suggests....
A pool party! Hold up, make that sitting-around-the-pool party where no one is actually in the pool and has all of their clothes still on.. Okay. So Lesley M. and Sean go into a dark room to talk. What up with the lights? Saving electricity for the environment… how considerate. Earth loves you right now.
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Are they having an awkward moment in the darkness? Someone alert Amanda! Are they going to kiss, are they not going to kiss? It’s like playing cat and mouse. In this case Sean is the adorable mouse with 26 cats chasing after him. They eventually don’t kiss and leave regretting they didn't. Ohhh how your conscience is killing you when you wanted that kiss so badly but didn't go for it, so you go and interrupt some other girl while she’s having her alone time with him and you get some balls like Lindsay to finally kiss him. Yeah, that feeling. It sucks.
So Kacie sits down with Sean now and they chat about why she came on the show. He’s surprised, she’s surprised, we’re all surprised. I love when he hesitates about whether or not to give her a chance as a potential girlfriend. That’s a clue. He’s willing to explore that aspect but it seems that he’s not fully sure of himself if he wants to go there. Kacie is stuck in the friend zone, and in the friend zone she will remain.
Where’s Sarah? Haven’t seen her in a while. She disappeared after her date with Sean.
Breaking news! Catherine is vegan but loves the beef.
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And the only girl to ever eat on this show… Tierra. At least we know the food is real. I was beginning to wonder about this…
"I'm starving!" she says loudly. Yes Tierra, put food into your mouth. It's healthier than drama coming out of it.
Sean takes Tierra to a bench in the middle of the mansion’s front yard. And oh look, a blanket! How convenient. They talk about how he noticed she was uncomfortable after the photo shoot. Her true identity is one step closer to being revealed! Come on Sean, you see right through her bullsh*t right?
There are random blankets everywhere! It’s the attack of the bachelor blanket! Run! That is too funny. I wonder how many blankets there are in total just lying around... waiting.
Date card rings the doorbell again! It’s for Desiree! Meanwhile, I can’t take my eyes off of Katie’s poodle hair. I feel like she enhances it and makes it poofier. If it were me (and thank God it’s not) I would at least try to manage it to appear like normal hair. But that’s just me. All of the girls’ hair looks like they just finished a round of pillow fights.
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It's what they do when they are bored at the house because
apparently they aren't allowed any other entertainment.
Kacie and Katie talk and I feel like Kacie encourages Katie to leave. And Katie is actually doing it! It’s happening! She wants to leave the show. That is so great. What did she think was going to happen when she came on the show? That Sean will only pay attention to her and she won’t need to work hard for him? Homegirl be trippin. Go on home with your weird hair and yoga skills. Is she wearing shoes yet? She wasn't in the first episode. Bye Katie. Sean wasn’t too upset. HA.
Everyone gathers around the room and Sean gives Kacie the rose! You’re still in the friend zone though, Kacie. I’m just not feeling the chemistry between y’all.
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So next on the agenda is Desiree’s one-on-one date with Sean.
Sean, you played a prank on Emily last season and she sent you home, do you really think pranking Desiree is a good idea? Punk’d is in the house! Where’s Ashton? I miss that show. Sean looks really good in purple colored attire. Sean punks Des and she seems happy about it.
Seriously, here is her face…
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She looks like she wants to let out a big long laugh. I know I wouldn't be smiling. Not at all. I think I would cry. Until I find out it's a joke. Then I would laugh. And then Sean would really feel bad after the prank. I wonder what Tierra would have done. Probably break all of the other art pieces in anger. Chris Harrison is loving this prank a little bit too much. He is grinning like no one else! He wins the biggest grin award for this episode. I should make this a regular thing. Amanda won this award last episode and now Chris.
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Let’s take a quick look at his face…
Des takes it well and doesn't get mad at Sean. So he takes her back to "his" place which isn't his place at all, just for the duration of the show. He cooks this huge dinner and they, of course, don’t eat it. (They probably do, it’s just not shown because that would be boring to watch). Off to the pool they go! More talking and kissing in the pool. He offers her a rose. She leaves him hanging for a little bit as payback for the prank but eventually accepts it. And oh my goodness I love Sean’s swim
trunks. Too adorable!
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Elsewhere in the house... Cocktail party time! Let’s not pull a Ashley P and get too drunk okay girls?
I absolutely love Catherine’s green and black dress.“You have an infectious personality…?” Sean tells Catherine.
I love how he says this.
And the two second pause after, like he wants to
say something else but won’t. It’s funny.
I love how he says this.
And the two second pause after, like he wants to
say something else but won’t. It’s funny.
Loooving Lindsay’s black and white dress!
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Wow. I want it. And she is fully
sober tonight! Yay! She is so cute.
They talk and have a jolly time.
I still want that dress. Girl,
where did you get it? Hit me up! Ha.
Okay, moving on.
Amanda. Wow. What happened to you? You are completely suffering from personality change. For real. Amanda was normal last episode and even the first half of this episode but something must have ticked her off for her to act like a creepy psycho with a very ugly yellow dress that has 1950s shoulder pads.
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Come on what is that about? I mean at least be responsive and don’t look like you want to stab every girl in the house. Moving on… away from the crazy. Robyn asks Sean a very important question and that is if he is interested in black girls. His response is perfect and it makes her feel better. I like Robyn, I hope she sticks around for a while. Selma teaches Sean Arabic which is precious.
What time is it? Rose ceremony time! Let’s get down to business. Sean has more than seven roses to hand out tonight. Cue suspense music!
AshLee receives the first rose. Yay, go girl! My girl Lindsay gets the next one. I still really want that dress she’s wearing. Absolutely gorgeous! Robyn accepts a rose. Jackie is next. Lesley M! Selma gets a rose. Followed by Catherine. Kristy is next. Leslie H. Tierra gets a rose. Taryn gets one as well. Two roses left. Daniella gets a rose. Is Chris Harrison behind a wall and listening to when Sean is down to one rose? I mean how does he always pop up at the perfect time? He’s magic.
And the final rose of the night goes to… nooooo!!
Sean gives Amanda a rose. Sean!! Why???!! I honestly don’t have a clue why you like her. She is putting up a front and acting all nice and sweet when actually she is so creepy and weird. Damn it. Amanda, with her ugly yellow dress and rude attitude stays for another week. Ughh. Seriously that dress is completely hideous and needs to be burned. I’m so mean. Ah well. What can you do?
So Brooke and Diana have to leave. I have no idea why but every time I see Diana I think her name is Daniella. I have to remind myself that Daniella is the one that looks like Britney Spears.
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Photo credit: ABC |
“It’s the island Hades!”
Alrighty we have reached the end of this episode and the conclusion of this blog.
I hope you enjoyed reading it. It was as long as the first one. Deal with it. :) I have a lot of
thoughts and I have to share them for all of you to read. Come back later for my week three recap!
I hope you enjoyed reading it. It was as long as the first one. Deal with it. :) I have a lot of
thoughts and I have to share them for all of you to read. Come back later for my week three recap!
Until next time…
All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.
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