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Photo credit: ABC [collage created by me] |
Yeah the finale was pretty unentertaining. It went like this: rose ceremony at the beginning of the show. Say whaaatt? Two roses for two guys. Hmm I wonder who is going home? Oh yeah, Brooks. Wait he went home on his own last week. After a ridiculously long pause for no reason at all. Des hands out the roses. Why the dramatic pause? Not necessary. Chris and Drew both accept.
Des: Drew will you accept this rose?
Drew: of course
The next day is Drew’s date with Des. Or so he thought.
Des: “I wish I was in love with you but I’m not.”
Hmm that speech sounds awfully familiar. Where did I hear that before? Oh yeah it is the same speech that Brooks uses to break up with Des. That’s right. Drew didn’t cry like Brooks did. He is more in shock to let out any tears. On a side note: what the hell is Des wearing?!
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Photo credit: ABC |
So Des gave Drew a rose so she can dump him the next day. What the hell! I dreaded watching Drew’s exit but it didn’t hurt me like Sean’s exit hurt me. Probably because Sean showed more emotion and it made me emotional. Drew was just shocked so even though I do feel so so bad for him, the emotional heartbreak just isn’t there in me. But I still want to give him a big bear hug right now. And never let go.
I wonder if there were three guys left who would have gone home…
probably poor Drew. Omg I feel so so bad for him. Another side note: exactly as I predicted, Drew never said "it would never work" when he had this conversation with Des in the promo. Just like Sean never said "I cant believe she did this to me" in the promo when he was reading his letter from Catherine.
Back to the show.
Back to the show.
Well this never happened before. There is only one guy left on
the season finale. More changes!! Brooks will so come back I mean it’s obvious.
Next is Chris’ date and he actually gets to spend the day with her. The date is pretty boring. What else is new? Des feels like
it’s a new day. But with Drew its straight out a break up before anything
happens. Again, poor poor Drew. She has already made up her mind probably a
long time ago but had to keep him around for the show. Chris meets Des' family. And Nate is in the same position he was with Sean. Let's see what happens. It's different this time because Chris isn't the bachelor so I suspect he might not act the same way. "why should Des pick you?" uhh because Chris is the only guy available to pick. But they don't know that.
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Photo credit: ABC |
So with one guy left, will Des choose Chris at the end or send him home also? We know she doesn’t go home alone, so it’s Brooks or Chris. But does Brooks come back before she sends Chris home or after? What if Chris proposes and Des says yes but then leaves him for Brooks? Ohh the drama. . .
"Hey it’s Chris! My only guy left. Sooooo who should I pick as my husband? Such a tough decision. I can’t even handle it. Where’s Chris Harrison in situations like this?"
So while I was watching my Twitter feed I saw that William Holman tweeted a link to a spreecast with a special bunch of people and I checked that out. Since I couldn’t listen to both the spreecast and Des’ exciting date with Chris I had to do what I had to do. And that was mute the show. Sorry Des I still watched you, I just didn’t care to listen to you. The spreecast was awesome! One hour of Nicole, Jenna, Zack K and Will talking about nonsense. My nonsense appeared on screen a few times so that is always exciting. But when it was over it was time for After the Final Rose. Which I was excited to watch since this season premiered. I will rewatch [with sound] the end of the finale again. No worries people.
The world was confident about Brooks coming back for Des and them getting engaged. Where did they get that from? Whatever I went with it because it would have been awesome and dramatic if Brooks did come back. I had my opinions too. Like what if Chris proposed and Des said no? Or what if she said yes and then Brooks came back? Well Brooks didn’t come back. Boo. Whatevs. Des and Chris got engaged and it’s weird. But I did see them fit together the best all along. Reality Steve is sure taking a heavy beating and so much hate on his twitter about being wrong. Hey guys chill out you didn’t have to visit his website you know! Your choice so stop bitchin! He was wrong so what? I love it though. I love that he was wrong it’s more fun that way. I was expecting for Brooks and Des to be engaged but I knew he wasn’t ready to commit. If they had gotten engaged it wouldn’t have lasted long. A guy leaves you once he will do it again shortly after. Just sayin. I wonder if Chris watched the whole Des-Brooks break up. I wonder what his thoughts are about it. During the proposal she was basically saying if Brooks hadn't have left she would have chosen him and Chris was her second choice. Ouch. I would be hella angry and have a lot of questions for her. But then she covered it up by saying a whole bunch of lovey dovey shit. Like okay how she got over her heartbreak over Brooks one week and fell in love with Chris the next week is beyond me. Best of luck to you Des, here's hope for a long lasting relationship. Ps. I loved your dress, girl.
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Photo credit: ABC |
I think that was the most boring finale ever. And the
proposal was blah. Sean and Catherine had an elephant to ride on into the
sunset. Des and Chris get nothing. Nothing but a boring season with a boring
proposal that didn’t even have a poem in it! Not to mention that Des didn't give the final rose to Chris. This has truly been a season of changes more than anything. Whatevs. Moving on.
The next bachelor is….. #TeamJuanPablo! Oh I will just die. Or Zak W. Also excited to see Drew on ATFR.
Freaking Sean and Catherine were on ATFR! What! Also Lesley, Jackie and Lindsay were there as well. And it was funny that Sean and Catherine sat way far away from the other girls. Ha but it makes sense though. I wouldn’t want to sit next to my exes either.
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Photo credit: ABC |
Brooks does come back! But not for Des. He comes back because he has to. So Chris Harrison can ask him really difficult questions that he will just say I don’t know to. And he got a haircut. Which looks better than his long hair.
Drew is next on the hot seat. Aww. I hope he is better. He will give a good speech and will be professional about it like always. If he’s hurting he won’t show it. “We were heading down the street to breakup town” Drew says. He always has the perfect answers to everything. But Chris didn’t ask him if he’s dating anyone. You let me down Chris. You always ask that and now you let me down when I really wanted to know. Poor Drew talks to Des and he is still hurting. I wanna give him a big hug. Gawd, he looked better than he ever did. Ugh I need to meet him. Like now. Road trip to Arizona anyone?
Finally it’s Des and Chris reunited. Blah blah he read a poem blah blah. They will live happily ever after in a life full of poems. Good luck guys.
Oh and Des is moving to Seattle with Chris. Like “this weekend” she
said. Geez already moving in? I think it's too soon.
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Photo credit: ABC |
Chris Harrison reveals the next bachelor and it was an obvious choice. We all hoped and suspected. The bachelor for 2014 is JUAN PABLO! Oh yes this will be a good season. I can’t wait! I’m super excited it’s him! Yes yes yes yes yesss!!! I did my happy dance all through the house.
I just realized I say Juan Pablo’s name like Juan is his
first name and Pablo is his last name. I don’t ever say his actual last name…
which I even don’t know. Huh. I should look that up so I don’t sound like an idiot.
Whoops too late. Juan Pablo for president uuhh I mean bachelor!
Until next time. . . which is sadly a long wait. . .
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