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Photo credit: antigua-barbuda.com |
Let's get started with the dates.
First there's Drew. His date with Des goes really well, like always. They talk, kiss, talk, kiss. . . kiss more. He expresses his feelings. More kissing. That's about it. I love the guy but the way they edited him kissing her all the time makes me not want to watch his date so much.
On to Chris' date. I actually don't really remember it. I remember he read her another poem. But that's all that is coming to my brain right now. Does that mean it was boring and uneventful? Probably. I do recall their transportation though. It was none other than the much missed helicopter. Where were you all season? Okay moving on.
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Photo credit: ABC |
The guy has been a front runner since day one. We all knew that and had it confirmed when Des told Chris Harrison she was in love with Brooks. That settled things. She was going to choose him at the end and the others were there just to keep the show going. Wow wouldn't want to be Chris or Drew right now.
Like I predicted in my last blog post, it would be all smiles in part one and tears in part two. Well so far I was almost right. Half the episode was happy and the rest was filled with tears. But this isn't about me at all, it's about Des and Brooks's journey to happiness. Or so we thought. . .
So first Brooks flies home to talk to his family. Um why? I don't understand why he has to fly home this week when he was home last week to spend time with them. Why didn't he talk to them then? Whatever. So after talking to them he knew what he had to do: break up with Des. Then he talked to Chris Harrison about it thinking Chris might help him with the situation. And I watched all the Chris talks with bachelor/bachelorettes and all their talks don't help anyone. He sits there and asks questions that end up leaving the bachelor/bachelorettes even more confused than they were.
But anyway, I bet Chris was hella pissed when Brooks told him he wasn't in love with Des. After seeing the joy in Des' eyes and hearing her say she is in love with Brooks when she and Chris had their one on one talk, and now hearing Brooks reveal this shocker, it must have made him fume inside. I would definitely be angry and want to punch the guy. But what can ya do when you want to love someone and just don't. You can't force it like he said. So I think he did the right thing leaving except I wish he would have figured it out sooner rather than wait until this late in the process. He absolutely broke Des' heart and she admitted she wanted to go home.
Wow I wonder what the other guys must have thought when they watched this episode [especially if she picked one of them]. She admitted that she didn't want to share her heart and when she went on dates with other guys she wished she was with Brooks. Ouch. That's a major stab in the heart if you ask me. Especially for Drew, He invested 100% of his heart and soul into loving her and to hear her say that. . . I can't even imagine. I would have some serious questions for homegirl if I was Chris or Drew after that. I think I would go ape shit on her. Back to the episode. . .
When Brooks finally confronted Des about his feelings it went like this:
"um." [5 min pause]
"i" [5 min pause]
Des is already crying by this point before he has said anything
"i'm sorry" [5 min pause]
"please don't cry" that's what happens when you dump a girl who loves you
"i dont" [5 min pause]
more crying
"i care about you [pause] but i don't love you"
she tells him she loves him.
"why didn't you tell me?" uhh bro, she is not allowed to say that
he's crying, she's sobbing. It's all really sad to watch.
by now he has said i'm sorry a billion times.
he leaves. she keeps crying.
end of episode.
This conversation lasts like twenty minutes.
So all the drama and tears we saw in the previews were edited to be about Drew but were actually about Brooks. He is the one who leaves and not Drew. I knew it was right not to believe the previews. They edit it so beautifully to make us think one thing is true when it's completely false. I knew they twisted it somehow. And now we know. Wow. I can't believe Brooks left. Talk about shocking.
We now know why his feelings were slow. There's always a reason for everything. And this is it: he didn't feel it with her. And that just sucks. I feel bad for her I really do. I've had my heart shattered in a million pieces once and it was the most depressing month of my life. Followed by another month of anger and then a few more weeks of sadness before I really got over it. It still saddens me thinking about it. But you get over it. Time heals. Des will get over Brooks and hopefully find happiness in someone else.
We now know why his feelings were slow. There's always a reason for everything. And this is it: he didn't feel it with her. And that just sucks. I feel bad for her I really do. I've had my heart shattered in a million pieces once and it was the most depressing month of my life. Followed by another month of anger and then a few more weeks of sadness before I really got over it. It still saddens me thinking about it. But you get over it. Time heals. Des will get over Brooks and hopefully find happiness in someone else.
Brooks and Desiree's journey. . . how did it come to this?
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Photo credit: ABC [collage created by me] |
Next week is the finale part two and two guys are left: Chris and Drew. Which is really surprising because RS said Brooks was the winner and clearly he isn't. Unless he comes back next week. But will he? Can he? And why would he? He told Des he doesn't love her and shattered her heart. So why would he come back after one week? You can't change your mind and suddenly love her in a week after leaving. Unless he loved her all along but didn't know it. Hmm. We shall see.. But I definitely wouldn't trust him if he came back. So where does that leave us now? Des heartbroken and wanting to go home. And RS probably freaking out somewhere because he is wrong and he is never wrong. Well I think he was wrong one other time. But anyway.
What will happen now? I know she won't leave empty handed. I mean she can, Brad did. But I highly doubt she will. Let us examine the options. . . there are two wonderful guys left: Chris and Drew. Can she overcome her love and heartbreak for Brooks and choose one of these guys? Now that Brooks is gone, she has to focus on these guys and really think about who she wants to marry. They were her second and third choice so she probably never considered them as her husband but the terrible has happened and now she has to sit in a corner by herself in fetal position with a teddy bear and some ice cream and actually consider as one of the remaining two men as her husband. My thoughts? Choose Chris. They have way more in common with each other than her and Drew. And she has said in a voice over [probably because she had to] that she sees Chris as a potential husband. They share their love or poetry. That's love. Ya'll can communicate through poems instead of verbally. That's great.
But then there's Drew. When she describes him, she talks about all the good qualities he has and how much he loves her and his face and body how she loves that. But not once does she mention her future with him. She never talks about her feelings for him and that makes me think she is not on the same page as he is. So it's kind of like her and Brooks. She is behind Drew as Brooks was behind her. I love analogies. They're fun. But what do I know how she feels about Drew really? Like I said, it's all edited to fit a story. She could have said she loves Drew and sees a future with him and it was cut out so who knows. I look at both pictures and not only what is shown in tv. I guess you can call me wise.
Holy crap this a ridiculously long post. Terribly sorry about that. Once I start writing about something I'm passionate about and have many thoughts on, it gets long. But I think I'm done.
See ya next week. And for the love of God Des, please choose Chris he is perfect for you! Let me have Drew. Or at least let him find a girl who gives 100% of herself to him like he gave to Des. I know I would give Drew 100% of me.
Until next time. . .
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