Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Bachelor week six

Hola amigos! Week six has arrived. This is my favorite episode yet. So much shit hits the fan! Let's begin.

Photo credit: ABC
Sean likes breaking the rules. That’s one of the themes for this season: breaking rules. He does it this time by travelling with the girls via airplane. Excuse me... Seaplane.

Welcome to St. Croix, girls! It’s Sean’s favorite island: the VIRGIN islands. Ha. (Sorry Sean, just poking fun at the tabloids). Okay, moving on...

Tierra isolates herself once again with that whole separate bed thing.

Photo credit: ABC
“The cougar’s back in town.” Tierra says about Ashlee. Omg Ashlee you’re 32 years old! Why haven’t you found a husband and started a family yet? What’s wrong with you??!!! When Tierra is 32 she will have already accomplished this. (I say this with every ounce of sarcasm in me).

Taking a Catamaran to a private island? Yes please! So Sean and Ashlee go on their date... They have an aquatic adventure with lots and lots of romantic make out sessions. If Selma were on this date she would probably ask if they would take a boat to get to the catamaran... ha. (rock climbing reference). I miss Selma. 

Meanwhile back at the hotel...
The girls converse about Tierra. “I want to roll away her roll-away bed” Lesley says. Ha. I. Love. This! She totally should have done it.

Back at the beach...
Uh-oh. Here goes Ashlee telling Sean about Tierra. But he asked! So she actually tells him in detail how Tierra has been acting toward the girls. And finally he listens!

For the evening part of their date... 
Photo credit: ABC
Ashlee tells him she was married in high school. And he accepts the married high school junior! (as he puts it) Seventeen is really young to get married. And divorced. Like. for real. They also yell out into the night. Very loudly. Aaaaaand there it is! The first L bomb dropped. Ashlee tells Sean she is falling in love with him. Aw. That's so cute. 

Another date card arrives at the hotel...

Tierra never ceases to amaze me. She complains constantly about not getting a one-on-one date with Sean, and when she finally does get one she still complains about it! You fail, Tierra. wtf. smh. Let's take a quick look at her range of emotions toward this date, shall we?
Photo credit: ABC
The next day Sean and Tierra go on their date...

The last time Sean took a girl shopping, it didn’t end so well. He sent the girl home. Let’s make this happen again! Sean and Tierra explore the island and at one point sit down and talk. He asks about the drama and she calls him distant. And I believe she fake cries. Here she is getting high on some figs... that's probably what causes her craziness: too much fig juice.
Photo credit: ABC
“If you could do it over again, would you act differently in front of the other girls? Sean asks, giving her a chance to redeem herself and say yes but instead Tierra replies, “uh uh”. These girls aren’t gonna be around for much longer.” And there is your ticket home, Tierra. But wait! She then says, “I. am… faaalliiing…. for you…” This is said so awkwardly and insincerely. She’s totally playing you dude. She is only telling you this because of the whole drama-distant dealio.

4:42am- Sean comes in the girls’ room with a camera, wakes them up and takes pictures of them without their make up on. They handle it rather well. I think I would be cranky under the covers. That, or still be sleeping. Sometimes I'm a heavy sleeper. 

“I am like the lowest maintenance one here. I just need to pee and I’m good.” Catherine says. Ha. And this is why I love you, Catherine. For saying stuff like this. 

Photo credit: ABC
Sean takes Lindsay, Catherine and Desiree on a road trip across St. Croix to watch the sunrise on one side of the side and the sunset on the other side. I love road trips. I would definitely have so much fun on this date! 
Photo credit: ABC
Orange juice cheers!

Catherine’s alone time with Sean went perfectly. She told him about her dad. It was a very personal story that touched my heart. She is so strong despite all she’s been through.

Lindsay gets the group date rose. She will have the opportunity to bring Sean home to meet her family. “The crazy girl that walked in in a wedding dress now has a hometown rose. Nobody saw that coming.” Lindsay says. I always rooted for you, girl! You have been my number one favorite bachelorette since day one! :)
Photo credit: ABC
Lesley has the last date of this episode. She and Sean just chill. They walk around a garden and pick some fruits. What fun. Her pink skirt is too adorable! Poor Lesley can’t get enough courage to tell Sean she loves him when she knows she needs to say it. I bet she would have gotten a hometown date if she had told him. Your 2016 Sean and Lesley campaign ends today. That’s sad, I mean really sad. I thought you would make it further. You were, for sure, one of my favorite girls. Lesley Murphy as the next Bachelorette? I believe that to be a splendid idea. 

“I think we definitely have that chemistry. So….. let’s go pick some more fruit.” Oh gosh. So many opportunities to tell him you love him, and it never happens. But I totally understand the feeling. You wanna say it but you just can't. It's hard.

Photo credit: ABC
The next day Sean’s lovely sister visits! This is awesome. Sean needs advice and Shay is exactly the person to provide it. I mean who knows you better than your own sibling? And it was her birthday that day. Happy birthday Shay! Hope you had fun! She gave Sean some very wise advice: "Don’t end up with the girl that no one likes.” You better listen to her Sean!

Back at the hotel... this happens...
Photo credit: ABC
Tierra and Ashlee chat together. Shit hits the fan and Tierra blows up. Cue drama and fake tears. “I’m a 24 year old woman, you’re 32 years old.” So what, Tierra? So freaking what if she’s 32? What does that have to do with anything? You’re only 24 years old, a child. Apparently 32 human years = 52 Tierra years. And the best line in the history of best lines goes to Tierra! “I can’t control my eyebrow! I can’t control what’s on my face 24/7.” OMG. For real? You’re supposed to be able to control your face. If you don’t control your own face, who does? This concerns me greatly. It absolutely makes no sense whatsoever. “If I wanted to walk around with a smile on my face, I would but my face would get freaking tired.” Another wtf statement. Uhh.. I think if you actually wanted to do that you totally could. But whatever. Ashlee is fed up at this point and responds to Tierra's nonsense, “Go sit on your cot!” Haha yes! You tell her, Ashlee. What's even funnier is that Tierra obeys. Damn cot.

Sean is still talking with Shay about Tierra. He leaves to grab her so all three of them can talk. Literally two seconds before he enters the hotel the fighting stops. He finds Tierra being dramatic on her cot. “This is sooooo haaaaard Seeeeaaaan!” Like it isn’t hard for the other girls? I love this. You can see on Sean’s face that he has had enough. He is finally seeing the Tierra that everyone else sees. Listen to your big sister Sean, she knows what she’s talking about when she tells you to not choose the girl that no one likes. Send Tierra home. Now. Do it! 
Photo credit: ABC
(two minutes later...) BAM! Yes. Thank the Lord, Tierra the tierrable is leaving. Remember, Tierra, you still have your sparkle and no one can take that away. Ha! 

So after all of the girls went on their special dates with Sean, it's time for the cocktail party where everyone gets one last chance to show Sean how they feel about him. He enters the room and brings this news: “There’s not going to be a cocktail party.” 
Whoa that sounds familiar! Perhaps we heard Chris Harrison tell this to the guys on the Bachelorette. Ashlee is in the exact same situation that Chris Burkowski was in. Will she handle it the same way?

So skipping the cocktail party it's rose ceremony time! With Tierra gone, who else will be going home?

The piano music playing is simply beautiful. I mean I can listen to it for hours. So Lindsay already has a pre-ceremony rose so she is safe. And so the first rose goes to Des. Rose number two goes to Catherine. And the final rose of the night? It’s between Lesley and Ashlee. I’ll make my prediction and say Ashlee just because Sean and Lesley kind of had an awkward date… with a lot of awkward silences… and after so many opportunities, she never told him she loves him. It was hard for her, I get that.
So I was right. I will miss Lesley. Truly I will. Chris Harrison didn’t come back to tell Lesley to “take a few moments and say her goodbyes.” Wonder why that was. Catherine took it way hard.

Photo credit: ABC
So there we have it ladies and gentlemen. Sean has chosen his final four women. Next week are the hometown dates! Just when we thought the drama was over, it’s so not. Things might get crazy between Sean and Desiree’s brother. And how about meeting Lindsay’s two-star general father? If that’s not intimidating, I don’t know what is.
Photo credit: ABC

“Jammie Cocoa Christmas” Haha love this. Very sexy red onesie, Sean!

But what up with having your phone on hand? I thought everyone was cut off from the outside world. Maybe that only applies to the people in the house and not the Bachelor/ette. Come to think of it, Tony and Doug were also seen with their cell phones on the Bachelorette last season. Hmm. Whatevs. That's the end of episode seven. 

Hope y’all enjoyed reading my blog! Tierra's eyebrow is following me on Twitter! haha that's exciting. :) I will miss her uncontrollable arched eyebrows on the show.

Until next time…

All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.

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