Sawatdee! That means ‘hello’ in Thai. How glad are you to be reading my blog? Now you know some Thai when you visit Thailand :) Isn’t that wonderful? You’re welcome.
These last remaining weeks Sean has taken us to Thailand. This is week 8.
So the first few minutes are just recapping how Sean feels about each girl. Clips are shown of the time they spent together and how their relationship progressed until this point.
Next is Sean’s pool scene. I miss seeing him half naked in the beginning of episodes. It has been too long.
Lindsay and Sean have their date first. What, no helicopter ride to their destination?? I’m so shocked! Instead they roll in this… It's bad-ass.
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Photo credit: ABC |
“I’m very adventurous but I won’t eat a bug.” Lindsay says. It’s like she knew that’s what they were about to do. She eats a bug anyway. Several bugs. Gross. I would never. Not even for love. Sorry Sean, if you asked me to eat a bug I just couldn’t. I prefer not to throw up in front of you… or on you. I don’t think you would like that too much either. “It’s starting to rain we should get outta here”? Sean says. They go to the beach, where it apparently doesn’t rain. Only in Thailand I suppose. They go to a different beach, I think, where monkeys just hang out all day. Sean is wearing his new swim trunks he just bought at the Thai market. They are awesome! Ha. I guess monkeys love grapes. That I did not know. You learn something new every day, and from television no less. Who says watching tv is bad? Ha.
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Photo credit: ABC |
Moving would be fun, picking out a house would be fun, getting engaged would be fun. Everything would just be so much fun. Right Sean? I love Lindsay, I have since day one, but I’m beginning to see that her and Sean are only about fun, idk if it’s just the edit but every time I see them together they are always goofy and never serious. She mentions she takes this show seriously and wants love but that’s all. I never see them actually be serious for longer than two minutes. Don’t be too friendly Lindsay, you don’t want to end up in the friend zone like Kacie did! I wonder how she’s doing, and if she found a better job or is it still Ben’s season? Anyways.. back to Lindsay.
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<--Lindsay's failed attempt at the infamous Tierra eyebrow raise.
She struggles telling Sean she loves him but ends up telling him. Good, you don’t want to end up regretting not saying it like Lesley M. Just like Sean knew what Lesley was thinking when he asked her, he knows what Lindsay is thinking and he is waiting her to say she loves him. Just when she was about to not tell him a bunch of dancers came out. Perfect timing guys! After the dancers leave, he gives her the fantasy suite card; she reads it and does not hesitate to say yes. I wish I had a counter for how many times Sean says “You’re my best friend”. It’s probably at least 50x by now. “I feel the same way… aaaaaand... [pause] there is something that I do wanna tell you. [reallyyy long pause, like the longest pause that I have ever witnessed] …… [smile, pause]… I love you.” Aaahhh the music! It might as well have been the choir singing hallelujah. Hahaha.
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Photo credit: ABC |
Next up… Sean and Ashlee’s date. She says some form of “abandon” four times in less than a minute. She is the next Sarah, who talked about her one arm all the time. Sean took Ashlee to a big bad scary cave. They swim underneath it to get to a private beach. Ashlee don’t do caves like Selma don’t do rocks. Where are these cameras at? Are they like nailed into the walls of the cave? Seriously… I guess the caves are kinda scary. I would be clinging onto to Sean the whole way. For sure. And it finally rained! If anyone noticed… Fast forward to the evening part of their date. They talk and he hands her the fantasy suite card. She pauses, hesitant, but finally says yes. She then starts going into full detail about what kind of engagement ring she wants. I mean this girl gets so detailed about the ring that she can’t get any more detailed. I think it sort of scared him a little bit. It would scare me. Also dear, sweet Ashlee, could you stop saying “this man”. That man has a name you know. Thanks.
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Photo credit: ABC |
The least memorable date of this episode… Sean and Catherine. She is always the most excited out of any of the girls to see Sean. Which is awesome. They go on boat and just cruise. That’s all they do. I’m not joking. [pic]: Doing a little Titanic remake? Y’all can be weird together. Like totally. Everyone repeats themselves a lot. Catherine keeps saying she is weird, Sean is crazy about every girl every day and he also says best friend a lot, Lindsay keeps mentioning fun, and Ashlee keeps talking about her abandonment. Come on people.
Catherine and Sean do a back flip off the boat, which is cool. “Where would you see yourself in five years? Sean asks Catherine to which she responds, “We would obviously be married.” Obviously.He gives her the fantasy suite card and poor Sean, he has to listen to the same thing three times.
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She is even less hesitant than Lindsay was when she accepted it. Omg she does not call him beefy and hunky! Lmao. That is just so great. I love that. “We’re in Thailand, it’s just us two….” She says. (And like five cameras pointed at you but who notices these things?)
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Photo credit: ABC |
Gotta love the chats with Chris Harrison. “So you’re telling me you’re in love? …. Wow.” Wow he says. Like it’s a shocker. That is the whole point of the show. I would say wow if he wasn’t in love with anyone. I wonder how long they have to stand there staring at the pictures… This is really intriguing. I really want to know. Overall, at least one quarter of the show is spent staring at something.
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Photo credit: ABC |
Oh snap, what? It’s time for the girls’ personal video messages? Lindsay is first. Sean smiles. Catherine is next. Sean smiles again. It gave her the “wiggles”? I’m not sure what that means… Ashlee’s video is next. Sean does not smile. At one point there is sort of a tiny smile but mostly it’s a serious face. And because of this, and only this, I know right away who he is sending home. It’s so completely obvious. His facial expressions say it all. I will also point out that she is the only one that cries. The other two girls are happy as clams and ashlee cries. Like always, about everything. But she doesn’t mention her abandonment… which surprised me.
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Photo credit: ABC |
The last rose ceremony! Noooooo! It’s way too soon, it can’t be over already! Now I’m depressed. But the bright side is the fire is still going. It’s raining and the fire is still going strong. I’m telling you, this is magic bachelor fire. It doesn’t melt the ice castle and it doesn’t burn out when it rains. This is amazing. How about that lineup of the girls at the rose ceremony, huh guys? Lindsay showed no cleavage, Catherine showed some and bam! Ashlee’s were about to fall out. It goes right down the line from least revealed to most revealed. I like noticing weird stuff like this. Does that make me weird? Because I am… weird. Catherine gets me.
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Photo credit: ABC |
Sean’s speech was so sincere and I could see the pain he was feeling. I was heartbroken seeing him leave on the Bachelorette. Lindsay gets the first of two last roses of the season. She has been receiving the first rose the last few times. I hate the extremely long pause before he gives out the final rose. I couldn’t handle it. I think I would literally say out loud, “Just say it already!” I would feel bad about it after but I could not take the tension of waiting and being so nerve-wracked. It would just eat me up inside to wait that long. (Even though it might only be 2 or 3 minutes, it would seem like an eternity!) I don’t know how the girls do it. Catherine gets the last rose.
I’m totally not surprised he sent Ashlee home. I like her, maybe a little less now after her dramatic exit, but she could have totally handled that better. I understand you love the guy… excuse me, this man… and you’re mad he didn’t choose you but giving him the death stare and not talking to him like that? Come on man what the hell was that! He obviously felt horrible about it but it had to be done, that’s how the show works. He can’t keep all of the girls. And you were too emotional and serious for him anyway. You will be okay, you will get over him and find another man to love. It hurts I know I have been there many times but things get better with time. All wounds heal with time. The memories are still there (unfortunately) but your heart heals. Don’t hate him for not choosing you. Advice to the next guy: do not piss Ashlee off! This is a friendly warning. She scared me with the evil glare. She completely turned 180 degrees around from being sweet and smiley to being your next murderer and enjoying watching you suffer as she sliced every part of your body in slow motion. Whoa that’s a nasty visual. Where did I come up with that? I worry about my brain sometimes. Actually a lot of times. Maybe I need a therapist. But if you have seen her evil face you would be thinking the same thing.
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“She didn’t say goodbye to us.” Catherine says. “She is piiiissed.” Lindsay says. “Just stay here.” Ashlee says. I am just in shock with my hands covering my mouth watching her exit. Holy crap. Where did this side of Ashlee come from? Poor Sean. Once again I feel really bad for him. He’s trying to explain himself and he doesn’t know what else to say. She is just standing there not talking and staring. How awkward. This is so hard for him and he doesn’t need her sore loser attitude making him feel worse. I’m sorry Ashlee if I am offending you, I don’t mean to, but you have to agree that you could have handled it better. More maturely. Never leave on bad terms. You might regret it later. She doesn't talk to Sean but talks to the camera in the limo. “This wasn’t a joyride for me. It wasn’t about laughter and joking and having fun.” Well you could have had some fun and laughter. It wouldn’t have hurt. Actually it would have made things much better. Next week is Women Tell All and she will be there. Can't wait to hear what she will say.
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The letterrrrrrrr!!!! That is mostly what I am anxious to know about. Who is it from??! My guess is it’s from Ashlee. It makes the most sense. Because she left so angry and without saying anything to Sean so maybe she explains her reasoning in the letter. It could also be from Desiree. I can sort of understand that. And I’ve heard from some people it might be from his mom but I have a hard time believing that because the damn thing is a full page long! What could his mother possible say to him that covers a whole page? So we will see in two weeks (well 1 ½ weeks since I’m late on writing this recap. Busy week). Can’t wait for Women Tell All! Absolutely excited for it! Tierra and her tierrable eyebrow on her uncontrollable face will be back! Sarah, Des and Ashlee will be back. Oh gosh. This will be epic.
I'm ending this post like always with some happiness. It's not credits with Lindsay this time. Ha.
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Photo credit: ABC |
What math nerds. I need Sean to help me with my math. I can’t do math to save my life. My brain is slow in that department. “Sometimes when I’m bored I like to multiple things in my head just to see how fast I can come up with it.” Sean says. That screams nerd. Haha.
And then there were two: Lindsay, 24 and Catherine, 26. Who will he choose?
Dun dun dunnn!
So that wraps up this episode. Hope you enjoyed reading my blog! Next week is Women Tell All, it should be very exciting! Have a good night all!
Until next time…
All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.
All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.