Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Bachelorette Finale & ATFR & Bachelor 2014

Photo credit: ABC [collage created by me]
Yeah the finale was pretty unentertaining. It went like this: rose ceremony at the beginning of the show. Say whaaatt? Two roses for two guys. Hmm I wonder who is going home? Oh yeah, Brooks. Wait he went home on his own last week. After a ridiculously long pause for no reason at all. Des hands out the roses. Why the dramatic pause? Not necessary. Chris and Drew both accept. 

Des: Drew will you accept this rose?
Drew: of course

The next day is Drew’s date with Des. Or so he thought.
Des: “I wish I was in love with you but I’m not.” 

Hmm that speech sounds awfully familiar. Where did I hear that before? Oh yeah it is the same speech that Brooks uses to break up with Des. That’s right. Drew didn’t cry like Brooks did. He is more in shock to let out any tears. On a side note: what the hell is Des wearing?!
Photo credit: ABC

So Des gave Drew a rose so she can dump him the next day. What the hell! I dreaded watching Drew’s exit but it didn’t hurt me like Sean’s exit hurt me. Probably because Sean showed more emotion and it made me emotional. Drew was just shocked so even though I do feel so so bad for him, the emotional heartbreak just isn’t there in me. But I still want to give him a big bear hug right now. And never let go.

I wonder if there were three guys left who would have gone home… probably poor Drew. Omg I feel so so bad for him. Another side note: exactly as I predicted, Drew never said "it would never work" when he had this conversation with Des in the promo. Just like Sean never said "I cant believe she did this to me" in the promo when he was reading his letter from Catherine. 

Back to the show.

Well this never happened before. There is only one guy left on the season finale. More changes!! Brooks will so come back I mean it’s obvious.

Next is Chris’ date and he actually gets to spend the day with her. The date is pretty boring. What else is new? Des feels like it’s a new day. But with Drew its straight out a break up before anything happens. Again, poor poor Drew. She has already made up her mind probably a long time ago but had to keep him around for the show. Chris meets Des' family. And Nate is in the same position he was with Sean. Let's see what happens. It's different this time because Chris isn't the bachelor so I suspect he might not act the same way. "why should Des pick you?" uhh because Chris is the only guy available to pick. But they don't know that.

Photo credit: ABC
So with one guy left, will Des choose Chris at the end or send him home also? We know she doesn’t go home alone, so it’s Brooks or Chris. But does Brooks come back before she sends Chris home or after? What if Chris proposes and Des says yes but then leaves him for Brooks? Ohh the drama. . .

"Hey it’s Chris! My only guy left. Sooooo who should I pick as my husband? Such a tough decision. I can’t even handle it. Where’s Chris Harrison in situations like this?"

So while I was watching my Twitter feed I saw that William Holman tweeted a link to a spreecast with a special bunch of people and I checked that out. Since I couldn’t listen to both the spreecast and Des’ exciting date with Chris I had to do what I had to do. And that was mute the show. Sorry Des I still watched you, I just didn’t care to listen to you. The spreecast was awesome! One hour of Nicole, Jenna, Zack K and Will talking about nonsense. My nonsense appeared on screen a few times so that is always exciting. But when it was over it was time for After the Final Rose. Which I was excited to watch since this season premiered. I will rewatch [with sound] the end of the finale again. No worries people. 
The world was confident about Brooks coming back for Des and them getting engaged. Where did they get that from? Whatever I went with it because it would have been awesome and dramatic if Brooks did come back. I had my opinions too. Like what if Chris proposed and Des said no? Or what if she said yes and then Brooks came back? Well Brooks didn’t come back. Boo. Whatevs. Des and Chris got engaged and it’s weird. But I did see them fit together the best all along. Reality Steve is sure taking a heavy beating and so much hate on his twitter about being wrong. Hey guys chill out you didn’t have to visit his website you know! Your choice so stop bitchin! He was wrong so what? I love it though. I love that he was wrong it’s more fun that way. I was expecting for Brooks and Des to be engaged but I knew he wasn’t ready to commit. If they had gotten engaged it wouldn’t have lasted long. A guy leaves you once he will do it again shortly after. Just sayin. I wonder if Chris watched the whole Des-Brooks break up. I wonder what his thoughts are about it. During the proposal she was basically saying if Brooks hadn't have left she would have chosen him and Chris was her second choice. Ouch. I would be hella angry and have a lot of questions for her. But then she covered it up by saying a whole bunch of lovey dovey shit. Like okay how she got over her heartbreak over Brooks one week and fell in love with Chris the next week is beyond me. Best of luck to you Des, here's hope for a long lasting relationship. Ps. I loved your dress, girl.

Photo credit: ABC
I think that was the most boring finale ever. And the proposal was blah. Sean and Catherine had an elephant to ride on into the sunset. Des and Chris get nothing. Nothing but a boring season with a boring proposal that didn’t even have a poem in it! Not to mention that Des didn't give the final rose to Chris. This has truly been a season of changes more than anything. Whatevs. Moving on.

The next bachelor is….. #TeamJuanPablo! Oh I will just die. Or Zak W. Also excited to see Drew on ATFR.

Freaking Sean and Catherine were on ATFR! What! Also Lesley, Jackie and Lindsay were there as well. And it was funny that Sean and Catherine sat way far away from the other girls. Ha but it makes sense though. I wouldn’t want to sit next to my exes either.

Photo credit: ABC
Brooks does come back! But not for Des. He comes back because he has to. So Chris Harrison can ask him really difficult questions that he will just say I don’t know to. And he got a haircut. Which looks better than his long hair.

Drew is next on the hot seat. Aww. I hope he is better. He will give a good speech and will be professional about it like always. If he’s hurting he won’t show it. “We were heading down the street to breakup town” Drew says. He always has the perfect answers to everything. But Chris didn’t ask him if he’s dating anyone. You let me down Chris. You always ask that and now you let me down when I really wanted to know. Poor Drew talks to Des and he is still hurting. I wanna give him a big hug. Gawd, he looked better than he ever did. Ugh I need to meet him. Like now. Road trip to Arizona anyone?

Finally it’s Des and Chris reunited. Blah blah he read a poem blah blah. They will live happily ever after in a life full of poems. Good luck guys.

Oh and Des is moving to Seattle with Chris. Like “this weekend” she said. Geez already moving in? I think it's too soon. 

Photo credit: ABC
Chris Harrison reveals the next bachelor and it was an obvious choice. We all hoped and suspected. The bachelor for 2014 is JUAN PABLO! Oh yes this will be a good season. I can’t wait! I’m super excited it’s him! Yes yes yes yes yesss!!! I did my happy dance all through the house. 

I just realized I say Juan Pablo’s name like Juan is his first name and Pablo is his last name. I don’t ever say his actual last name… which I even don’t know. Huh. I should look that up so I don’t sound like an idiot. Whoops too late. Juan Pablo for president uuhh I mean bachelor!

Until next time. . . which is sadly a long wait. . .

Monday, August 5, 2013

The Finale Is Here!

So the time has come. . . the Bachelorette season nine with Desiree Hartsock has finally come to an end. We are all very sad to see it end but at the same time we're happy for our girl Des to spend the future with her prince charming on her journey of the fairy tale. I didn't just use the four most said phrases on the season in this single sentence. Or did I?
Desiree with Prince Charming
But anyways I am excited to see the season finale. It is supposed to be emotional and so dramatic. Cannot wait! But what is more exciting is the After the Final Rose episode right after the finale. Aaahh I can't even. Only a half hour until show time and two and a half hours until ATFR. Out of every episode during any season of the show, ATFR is my absolute favorite part. I love that it's live and we actually see Des and what she is up to right as we are watching her, also the two remaining men she sent home during the finale come back and we see how they are doing and what they are up to. I am most excited to see Drew! Oh em gee i really can't wait. The finale is great and all but how about we forward to ATFR? Is Desiree engaged? To who? What about the other guys? Who will be the next bachelor? Yes I found this news out earlier today. Since the new bachelor is announced at the season finale of Bachelor Pad, I figured it would be around the same time the bachelor would be announced but since BP4 is cancelled, AC will be announcing the Bachelor 2014 tonight on After the Final Rose! So yeah, let's fast forward through the finale onto ATFR to see who the new bachelor is. Have I mentioned how excited I am? [squeal] I really really really really reallyyyyy hope it would be Juan Pablo. Oh I just can't even. He is so. . . mhm. Zak W would be a great bachelor also. I would love to watch them both. Okay who is watching the show tonight?
It should be very interesting.

Until next time. . .

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Brooks shocks us all...

Before I get started let me say this. I think everyone was pronouncing "Antigua" wrong. I thought it was pronounced an-tee-gwa, not an-tee-guh. That just sounds stupid. But whatever I tried not to yell at them through my television every time they say it weird.
Photo credit: antigua-barbuda.com
Okay so today is the finale part one. Chris Harrison promises it to be the most dramatic season finale ever. And he really means it this time.
Let's get started with the dates.

First there's Drew. His date with Des goes really well, like always. They talk, kiss, talk, kiss. . . kiss more. He expresses his feelings. More kissing. That's about it. I love the guy but the way they edited him kissing her all the time makes me not want to watch his date so much.

On to Chris' date. I actually don't really remember it. I remember he read her another poem. But that's all that is coming to my brain right now. Does that mean it was boring and uneventful? Probably. I do recall their transportation though. It was none other than the much missed helicopter. Where were you all season? Okay moving on.

Photo credit: ABC
Let's talk about Brooks for a minute.
The guy has been a front runner since day one. We all knew that and had it confirmed when Des told Chris Harrison she was in love with Brooks. That settled things. She was going to choose him at the end and the others were there just to keep the show going. Wow wouldn't want to be Chris or Drew right now.
Like I predicted in my last blog post, it would be all smiles in part one and tears in part two. Well so far I was almost right. Half the episode was happy and the rest was filled with tears. But this isn't about me at all, it's about Des and Brooks's journey to happiness. Or so we thought. . .

So first Brooks flies home to talk to his family. Um why? I don't understand why he has to fly home this week when he was home last week to spend time with them. Why didn't he talk to them then? Whatever. So after talking to them he knew what he had to do: break up with Des. Then he talked to Chris Harrison about it thinking Chris might help him with the situation. And I watched all the Chris talks with bachelor/bachelorettes and all their talks don't help anyone. He sits there and asks questions that end up leaving the bachelor/bachelorettes even more confused than they were.

But anyway, I bet Chris was hella pissed when Brooks told him he wasn't in love with Des. After seeing the joy in Des' eyes and hearing her say she is in love with Brooks when she and Chris had their one on one talk, and now hearing Brooks reveal this shocker, it must have made him fume inside. I would definitely be angry and want to punch the guy. But what can ya do when you want to love someone and just don't. You can't force it like he said. So I think he did the right thing leaving except I wish he would have figured it out sooner rather than wait until this late in the process. He absolutely broke Des' heart and she admitted she wanted to go home.

Wow I wonder what the other guys must have thought when they watched this episode [especially if she picked one of them]. She admitted that she didn't want to share her heart and when she went on dates with other guys she wished she was with Brooks. Ouch. That's a major stab in the heart if you ask me. Especially for Drew, He invested 100% of his heart and soul into loving her and to hear her say that. . . I can't even imagine. I would have some serious questions for homegirl if I was Chris or Drew after that. I think I would go ape shit on her. Back to the episode. . .

When Brooks finally confronted Des about his feelings it went like this: 
"um." [5 min pause]
"i" [5 min pause]
Des is already crying by this point before he has said anything
"i'm sorry" [5 min pause]
"please don't cry" that's what happens when you dump a girl who loves you
"i dont" [5 min pause]
more crying
"i care about you [pause] but i don't love you"
she tells him she loves him.
"why didn't you tell me?" uhh bro, she is not allowed to say that
he's crying, she's sobbing. It's all really sad to watch.
by now he has said i'm sorry a billion times.
he leaves. she keeps crying.
end of episode.
This conversation lasts like twenty minutes.
So all the drama and tears we saw in the previews were edited to be about Drew but were actually about Brooks. He is the one who leaves and not Drew. I knew it was right not to believe the previews. They edit it so beautifully to make us think one thing is true when it's completely false. I knew they twisted it somehow. And now we know. Wow. I can't believe Brooks left. Talk about shocking.

We now know why his feelings were slow. There's always a reason for everything. And this is it: he didn't feel it with her. And that just sucks. I feel bad for her I really do. I've had my heart shattered in a million pieces once and it was the most depressing month of my life. Followed by another month of anger and then a few more weeks of sadness before I really got over it. It still saddens me thinking about it. But you get over it. Time heals. Des will get over Brooks and hopefully find happiness in someone else.
                                          Brooks and Desiree's journey. . . how did it come to this?
Photo credit: ABC [collage created by me]
Next week is the finale part two and two guys are left: Chris and Drew. Which is really surprising because RS said Brooks was the winner and clearly he isn't. Unless he comes back next week. But will he? Can he? And why would he? He told Des he doesn't love her and shattered her heart. So why would he come back after one week? You can't change your mind and suddenly love her in a week after leaving. Unless he loved her all along but didn't know it. Hmm. We shall see.. But I definitely wouldn't trust him if he came back. So where does that leave us now? Des heartbroken and wanting to go home. And RS probably freaking out somewhere because he is wrong and he is never wrong. Well I think he was wrong one other time. But anyway. 

What will happen now? I know she won't leave empty handed. I mean she can, Brad did. But I highly doubt she will. Let us examine the options. . . there are two wonderful guys left: Chris and Drew. Can she overcome her love and heartbreak for Brooks and choose one of these guys? Now that Brooks is gone, she has to focus on these guys and really think about who she wants to marry. They were her second and third choice so she probably never considered them as her husband but the terrible has happened and now she has to sit in a corner by herself in fetal position with a teddy bear and some ice cream and actually consider as one of the remaining two men as her husband. My thoughts? Choose Chris. They have way more in common with each other than her and Drew. And she has said in a voice over [probably because she had to] that she sees Chris as a potential husband. They share their love or poetry. That's love. Ya'll can communicate through poems instead of verbally. That's great. 

But then there's Drew. When she describes him, she talks about all the good qualities he has and how much he loves her and his face and body how she loves that. But not once does she mention her future with him. She never talks about her feelings for him and that makes me think she is not on the same page as he is. So it's kind of like her and Brooks. She is behind Drew as Brooks was behind her. I love analogies. They're fun. But what do I know how she feels about Drew really? Like I said, it's all edited to fit a story. She could have said she loves Drew and sees a future with him and it was cut out so who knows. I look at both pictures and not only what is shown in tv. I guess you can call me wise. 

Holy crap this a ridiculously long post. Terribly sorry about that. Once I start writing about something I'm passionate about and have many thoughts on, it gets long. But I think I'm done. 
See ya next week. And for the love of God Des, please choose Chris he is perfect for you! Let me have Drew. Or at least let him find a girl who gives 100% of herself to him like he gave to Des. I know I would give Drew 100% of me.

Until next time. . .

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Men Tell All

Men Tell All... tonight? A week early? I wonder why they decided to do that. Maybe because they didn’t want Drew to be with the other men or maybe he didn’t want to or something. It has always aired before the finale and now they change it? Something big must have happened.
It should be very interesting. And sad because Drew won’t be there.

Fast forward. . . 
Photo credit: ABC
So they dedicated a whole episode to the James thing and now they are still talking about it. Ugh.Wait so next week is the finale? Whaaat? So three guys will meet her family, three guys will get fantasy suites… wait how is that gonna work? Fantasy suite tonight and the finale tomorrow? I don’t get it. Why must it change! Why cut a week?! 

Ali, Ashley, and Emily… Yes EMILY… are there to give Des some advice. Emily is so pretty. . .

Okay so the finale is two parts. What the heck. Predictions: day one will go great, everyone's in love; day two will be hell. I imagine there will be no fantasy suites. We will see. It should be good. The editing makes it look like Des doesn’t choose anyone but they are gifted in making people believe what's not true. She will choose Brooks we all know. She even said she’s in love with him even though he hasn’t said it yet. 

Photo credit: ABC
Then men/women tell all episodes are my least favorite. So this post is way short because nothing happened that we didn't see before. It was mostly about James and his crap, a lot of yelling between him, Mikey and Kasey, then some Ben time, and later some Zak time and Juan Pablo time. The end. Juan Pablo for next bachelor! That would be way awesome. I love that guy. So sweet. Or Zak. He would make a good bachelor also. Both would be good to watch. 

Until next time. . .

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Drew is not gay!!!!

Look how adorable he is!
So I did a Google search on Drew Kenney and most of the articles were about questioning Drew's sexuality and gay claims. Come on people he is not gay! Just because he has perfect skin, perfect hair, perfect smile, perfect basically everything doesn't mean anything except he cares about his appearance and I love that about him. I really like the guy and have since the premiere episode. He has always stood out for me mainly because of how freaking adorable he is but as the weeks went by I like him more and more because of his personality and who he is as a person. I see him as such a sweetheart, caring, and romantic man. He has all the qualities I look for in a husband and I wish I could meet him. To everyone who believes he is gay just because he dresses fashionably and cleans up nice, y'all can shove it up your you-know-whats. Why would he go on this show and put himself through everything if he were gay? It doesn't make any sense. So yeah he's not gay and y'all disgust me for coming to that conclusion. Leave the guy alone.

Now that I have cleared the air about this whole gay thing let's get back to discussing the show.
James James James. What should I say about James? Where shall I start? At first I liked the guy, he seemed like he was into Desiree and seemed like a caring and passionate guy. Well after this last episode he has changed my mind. Sure he may have been edited poorly like many are but that doesn't affect my dislike of him any less. That whole conversation he had with Mikey shouldn't have happened in the first place. He could have handled it differently. If he had (or hadn't) said what the guys claim he said, it doesn't matter. The point is he should have defended himself more effectively. Well first off, why are you thinking about a life after Desiree? This means you aren't in it for the long run. If you want to marry Des, she is the only girl you need to be concerned of and think about forever. FOREVER. Not only for a few months or a few years even but forever. So to hear him even talking about an alternate reality, as he called it, made me look at him in a new way. He also kept saying he didn't bring it up, Mikey did. Who cares who brought it up that's so not the point, you still talked about it. He could have very easily said, "Hey Mikey yeah that's all great for you buddy but I'm here for Des and I want to see how our relationship progresses." That's it. Then there would be no drama.

Moving on to the soccer date. . .
Photo credit: ABC
James irritated me so badly on this date! Yeah he was upset but come on at least pretend to have fun and not ruin it for the rest of the guys. The worst sportsmanship award goes to. . . [drum roll] . . . James! He just stood like a scared kitten in front of the goal . Sure he moved around a little but he mostly just watched as the ball went in the goal as he stood by. He basically didn't give a sh*t about anything at that point. I am so glad Des sent him home. Good bye James. 
Okay that's pretty much all that's happened in one episode: James drama, failed soccer game, and Drew's date with Des (along with the online gay claims). Humorous side note: I absolutely loved Brooks' impression of Juan Pablo during the soccer game. It was fabulous! Made me laugh. No more Des speaking spanish to him at the rose ceremony. It was cute the first two times but after that it was time to stop. That time has come. Sad to see you go, Juan Pablo. I gathered that both Kasey and Brooks are sexist on account of them commenting on Des' team of female soccer players. Well thanks to James' poor soccer playing, the girls kicked the guys' butts! They probably would have anyway with or without James' help. Since, you know, they are a professional team and all. 
Photos credit: ABC (collage created by me)
So the previews for the rest of the season look awesome! I can't wait to see what happens with all the guys and Des. It looks like more drama is on the way, especially with Drew. But I know they are twisting it and making it seem like it's way worse than it really is. Take Sean's letter for example. Do you remember that preview last season? They twisted the heck out of that to make it so dramatic and bad when in reality it was a freaking love letter from Catherine. Ugh it made me so angry! They edit it that way so you wonder all the bad things that could be. Is the letter from his mom telling him to not marry anyone? Is it from Catherine telling him she is backing out? Is it from someone in the past? Why is he crying? It must be something bad. That's what we were led to believe. Then the episode airs and the letter ends up being a major disappointment. They can also take the audio out of a scene and put new audio in like they did with Sean when he was tearing up while reading his letter. In the preview we heard Sean say "I can't believe she did this to me" but he never said that when the episode aired. ABC is so sneaky when editing the show. So with this evidence I have warned you to not believe the previews. They don't portray the truth! Drew is having the same edit so don't jump to any wild conclusion of what might happen. [I have read some theories]

So as I was reading about Drew's gay claims that people were making, I also read about their thoughts of what they think will happen with him and Des. I don't believe any bit of it. I am not believing anything that is shown to me in previews and I will not be making any decisions or having any predictions about Drew because I know that it is edited to be dramatic. So until the episode airs I will just love Drew like I have been and think nothing but the best of him. It probably won't end up as bad as it is being portrayed. They showed all the guys crying and leaving. Well yeah all of them but one will have to leave eventually so I find it humorous that people say they are leaving on their own instead of being eliminated by Des. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Next week's episode should be very interesting.

artwork by me

There's three surprise amigas next week in Portugal that visit Des. I am so excited for that! And how amazing is this artwork?! I created it myself. 

Until next time...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Michael G is frustrating.

Michael G is pissing me off greatly. I mean I dislike him and wish he would leave. I don't like James either. They can both leave. Hopefully next week Des will send them both home. I can't take much more of either of them. Bryden left on his own and I suggest Michael and James do the same, Seriously what is Michael's problem with Ben? No one else is saying anything about him but that's freaking all that Michael talks about. Why is he so obsessed with bad mouthing him and trying to start fights with him?? I honestly don't get it. Some of the actions Ben makes are a little on the jerk side but no one is there to make friends. He knows what he wants and is not afraid of going for it. Some guys are more reserved but Ben isn't and he is being hated for it. Sometimes you need to be a little aggressive to get that alone time with Des. Personally I don't see why Michael hates Ben so much. I mean it's making me sick just watching him obsess about how much he hates Ben. Idk maybe they are editing Ben to be sweet and nice when in reality he is a jerk and not in it for the right reason. So maybe Michael could be right about Ben, but from what I see I don't see anything wrong with Ben and Michael is frustrating me.
Photo credit: ABC
Germany is amazing and beautiful and I know I wouldn't come back to America if I went to Europe. Europe is the most ancient and breathtaking continent in the whole world. Don't ruin it with your lame obsessive Ben drama, Michael. Do that at your house. Am I suggesting you pack up and go home? Yes, yes I most certainly am. But of course I have to endure another week of him since Des gave him a rose. Ugh Des, whyyyy??
Why did they all have the same coats? Ha. Did they not bring their own? That was fun to notice. Drew's kiss with Des... did not air. At all. In fact, he was not with her alone in the whole episode. That is also pissing me off greatly. I know I would be mad watching the episode if I was Drew and be like where the heck am I in this show? No where besides talking with the guys about James. They are editing him even worse than Sean. At least they showed Sean more than they are showing Drew. He is so sweet and nice and perfect he deserves more air time. Hopefully as the weeks progress, we will be seeing more of him. 
Des goes polar bear plunging with her two favorite guys who hate each other. Des says to the guys, "Hopefully you don't get hypothermia." Hmm, sound familiar? It was probably her idea to go polar bear plunging since she didn't get to do it during Sean's season when poor Tierra suffered from fake hypothermia. I miss her, I really really miss her. What is she up to these days? I also miss Lesley M. She was definitely by far my favorite girl. I hope she is doing well. Actually strike that Des doesn't go polar bear plunging. Nice trick. I wouldn't go either, that water is way below freezing!
Photo credit: ABC
Back to Michael. I am as irritated with him as he is with Ben and I want to punch him in the face for it. Just watching Michael's facial expressions when Ben is talking is giving me ulcers. It's really making Des uncomfortable and me as well. The whole damn date he was talking about Ben and causing shit to go down. The whole damn date. Seriously dude? Idk why Ben didn't speak up and fight back. I don't take crap from people when they're dissing me so for sure I would have fought back. I wish Des would have gotten fed up with Michael's constant annoying blabbing about Ben that she would've sent him home only because of that. But no, she does exactly the opposite and sends Ben home. Ugh whatever. I guess Michael ended up being right about Ben after all. After watching his talk in the limo it's safe to say Des made the right choice in sending him home. Bye Ben.
More drama next week.

Until next time...

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Desiree, The Bachelorette

Photo credit: ABC
This will be a fun season. I am loving the rap video with Souja Boy. That is too great! And I guess it's also a season of making fun of previous bachelors and bachelorettes. My favorites are Drew (duh), Zack K, and Brooks. There is something off about Ben. I guess we will find out in time. He is a cutie pie too. If he was nice and didn't act like he is acting then he would easily be one of my favorites. Oh well. The guy that showed up in a suit of armor really freaked me out.  My favorite arrival of the night: abs guy. "Des, will you accept these abs?" Bahaha I about died from laughing! It was too funny... and too cute. I like you, dude, you're funny.
Photo credit: ABC
Speaking of cuteness. . . oh em gee Drew is adorable!! I mean look at him. And he is so sweet! He is like the new Sean: version 2.0. Lol. I just want to hug him and never let go. Is that weird? Drew hit me up if Des doesn't pick you! I'll be waiting. . . I'm being serious. I feel like he is the next Sean though, the producers are sure editing him like they did Sean: goody-goody shy boy that finds it difficult to talk to girls, therefore getting almost no screen time. Am I right or am I right? It's the third episode and I still feel weird watching Des be the bachelorette. Idk why I just miss her hanging out with all the girls and climbing trees with Sean. Bahaha.
Glad Larry left the first night. He annoyed me with his continuous action of putting and removing his glasses. Go do that somewhere else man. And while you're at it, practice your failed dance dip move with fifty more people. And try not to rip their clothes. #epicfail. #byelarry. Speaking of #hashtags . . . Kasey, dude, stop. No more hashtags. It's really annoying. #ForRealBro. Des picking Brooks for the first one on one date and taking him to a bridal shop was a risky move, I would not have done it. Good thing he was chill about it. And what up with Johnathan pushing Des to go to the fantasy suite like three freaking times?? Get it through your brain she does not want to okay! It made me uncomfortable watching the whole thing!

Unfortunately I won't be blogging each episode individually because. . . well. . . I just don't feel like it. If you read my bachelor blogs last season I spent hours. . . literally hours. . . writing each episode. It took so long because I would re-watch the episode online to get the perfect picture to use on my blog post as well as write about everything that happened along with my personal opinions about anything worth discussing. I went in depth with each episode. Go check it out, any episode, and see how much work I put in. Basically I out-blogged myself. Lol. Plus I also have two more blogs that you guys can check out. So this season of the bachelorette I will only be block blogging, as I call it. Block blogging means I will block several episodes together and write a blog post summarizing the main points. Well not even really summarizing, more discussing my favorite parts or the most memorable parts or dramatic parts.
There are sixteen men left for Des to get to know. I was really surprised she let Brandon go. I liked him and thought he would stick around longer. Guess Des didn't feel the connection. And Brian has a girlfriend. Of course he does. Someone has to have a girlfriend to piss Des off and create drama on the show. Wouldn't expect anything less. So I'm pretty sad that my early favorite Zack K left. But I still have my main sweetheart Drew and Brooks. As well as Zak W. He is growing on me and I love his smile!
Photo credit: ABC

Oh yeah and I have to mention that Desiree's promo photo looks just a tiny bit like that of the show Revenge. Just sayin.
Can't wait for the rest of the season!

Until next time. . .

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Bachelor After the Final Rose

Photo credit: ABC
I love watching After the Final Rose! Mainly because it's live and we get to see how the happy couple is doing after the big proposal on the season finale. My favorite episode out of every episode on The Bachelor/ Bachelorette/Bachelor Pad is the tell-all episode. I just love seeing everyone reunite at the end of the season and hearing what the (for the lack of a better word) rejects have to say. Men Tell All and Women Tell All is just great. Sean's season was even better than the best because he had an episode that no one else had: Sean Tells All. That was amazing! Okay so let's talk about this season's After the Final Rose. What are Sean and Catherine up to?

But first... Lindsay.
Photo credit: ABC
Chris talks to Sean alone first about Lindsay, then Lindsay comes out and faces Sean. She handled it very gracefully when she left on the season finale and she is handling it gracefully now on ATFR. But it’s kind of funny how she keeps asking 'what this' and 'why that' and all Sean can give her is the same answer of 'I was just in love with Catherine and something was there'. But Lindsay is really digging and keeps asking details about every moment they spent leading up to the rejection. And I would too if I was in her shoes.

So Chris calls Sean ‘this man’ and I just cracked up laughing. And I loved that he apologized for it. 

Photo credit: ABC
“You know who America really loves? That woman who took off her heels after Sean broke up with her” Even though it was a really painful situation, it’s awesome that she can still laugh about the good times she and Sean had. I really love and respect Lindsay so, so much. Everything Sean said about her is absolutely true. I haven’t met her (I really want to) but just watching her throughout this whole Bachelor experience since day one I just think she is amazing. I honestly believe she has a great heart that just wants to be loved. And no doubt about it, she will find great love. Even greater love than she had with Sean. I wish you all the best, Lindsay! xoxoxo

Catherine comes out next and is reunited with Sean for the first time on public television. I don’t really have anything special to say about this part of the show except the proposal was beautiful and big congratulations to Sean and Catherine for finding love and getting engaged. Chris addresses the letter and they talk about that for a little bit. Sean and Catherine haven’t seen the proposal on tv yet so they watch it along with Chris, the studio audience and America. Sean tears up and it’s the most adorable thing ever.

Photo credit: ABC
Sean announces that his and Catherine’s wedding will be aired on ABC, but they don’t have a set date yet. That is freaking awesome it’s just like Ashley and J.P.’s ABC wedding! Yay I’m so excited!  Chris, who married Ashley and J.P.,  offers to marry Sean and Catherine on ATFR. Ha but Sean says his family would be upset if they did that. They want to get married so soon, I mean really soon, like summer. They have only known each other a few months. I don’t know what the hurry is. This is an interesting point: Sean knows Chris way longer than he knows Catherine. This is funny to me. But that’s just me, I think they are rushing even though they say they aren’t. I guess they are just that much in love. But whenever they get married it will be a happy moment.

Photo credit: ABC
The new Bachelorette is announced! It’s… Desiree!! Yaaayyy I am so, so excited it’s her! I can’t wait to see her find love this summer. Thinking ahead I am really excited to find out who will be on Bachelor Pad 4. Omg. I hope Tierra is on it. Bahaha. She wouldn’t be able to handle it. But in all seriousness, the people I hope are on BP4 are Lesley, Robin, and AshLee. Obviously there will be some peeps from Desiree’s season on BP4 and some from past seasons. I just cannot wait to watch it all this year! It has already been a great year in terms of The Bachelor. It will only get so much greater. I wonder what Desiree’s brother thinks of this. Chris should have had him come out with Des to speak about it. That could have been awesome. 

I absolutely can't wait for The Bachelorette to air this summer and to watch Des go on amazing dates with 25 guys! I am excited to see what locations they have chosen. Good luck Des!! love you girl! xoxo

Until next time,,,

All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Bachelor finale

Here we are at week 10. Wow I can’t believe this is the finale! 

It has been a great journey watching Sean as he searches for the woman he will marry. There were many laughs, many tears, and much, much drama along this adventure. But we are here, on the last episode of The Bachelor. Sean’s journey has come to an end. In two short hours we will find out who he chooses as his wife: Lindsay or Catherine. Both are really wonderful girls. We will also find out about the mystery letter! Who wrote it and what it said. Let’s get started.

First off I would like to start out saying that my friend and I went to Chicago for the Bachelor finale viewing party hosted by Arie Luyendyk, Jr. It was so awesome, I was so excited to be there! Jef Holm also stopped by.

Photo credit: ABC

So the episode starts out with Sean’s family visiting him in Thailand. (a very beautiful country). His family is so cute! “Emily didn’t pick you!” Awww Smith is too adorable!

Catherine is first to meet Sean’s family.
Photo credit: ABC
Sean’s parents are so sweet! They just met Catherine and they love her already. And I could tell it meant the world to Catherine that Jay would be her biggest fan if she and Sean got married. Knowing Catherine’s history with her dad, she got really emotional hearing Jay say the things he did. It was such a sweet moment.

Photo credit: ABC
Lindsay is next to meet Sean’s family. So I noticed that Lindsay didn’t being any gifts for Sean’s family… until she walks up to the door. Two presents just magically appear. Did anyone else notice that? If you want to see for yourself, rewatch that scene and say something in the comments section of this post. Catherine had her gift with her in the car. Maybe Lindsay forgot hers and a producer had to go to the car and get it. Ha.

Chris Harrison keeps saying it’s a three-hour LIVE finale like the episode is live along with the After the Final Rose. I just love this. How lucky is the studio audience that gets to be in the same building as Chris, Sean and his fiancĂ©? I am envious.
Photo credit: ABC

Let’s take a raft down a brown river. Sounds like fun. I feel like Lindsay always got the sort of boring dates and Catherine got the more exciting ones. Hmm.

I just LOL’d when Sean said, “I can picture you being a hot, old chick.” How awkward and difficult is it not being able to say I love you to the other person who says it to you. 
Lindsay: I love you. 
Sean: I know. 
Lindsay: I really mean it.
Sean: I know.

Omg. I would feel awkward.

Photo credit: ABC
Five things I learned about Sean and his family:
1. They are all good looking people.
2. They are all so genuine and sweet.
3. Jay and Sherry have cute accents while the kids don’t. (Kids including Sean, Shay and Andrew along with Kensington and Smith)
4. No one wears shoes. We see Sean and his mom especially walking around outside barefoot.
5. They are a truly loving and supporting family.

Photo credit: ABC
After Sean and Lindsay’s raft date, he visits her in her hotel and they just spend time there. Talking. Like I said, boring. I mean, it can’t be fun and exciting all the time, but I feel like most of Lindsay’s dates with Sean were uneventful. Their date ended with them sending lanterns with wishes written on them in the night sky. It was pretty.

Photo credit: ABC
Remember when I said Catherine got all the exciting dates and Lindsay got the boring ones? Well here you go. I offer proof. Catherine and Sean’s mode of transportation? Not the usual helicopter, or a limo, or a sexy convertible car, or a boat. Not even a private jet. They are climbing on an Asian Elephant to take them to their date! Like how amazing is that? I wanna ride an elephant… I would be so afraid of falling off! They end their date with Sean visiting her in her hotel room. After Sean leaves, she spends the next few minutes freaking out Sean doesn’t love her as much as she loves him. Poor girl. Like Sean doesn’t even say “I’m crazy about you” anymore as his way of expressing his feelings. He just doesn’t say anything. I can see why Catherine is so frustrated and worried.

The next day…
Photo credit: ABC
Neil Lane visits Sean! He comes bearing rings. Sean chooses a really beautiful one. I mean this thing is absolutely gorgeous! Sean gets so emotional, it is so precious. I can tell he really and truly loves this woman.
Photo credit: ABC
The girls’ dresses were really beautiful. But I noticed something. Lindsay’s dress was silver, while Catherine’s dress was gold. That’s very interesting. And perhaps already telling us who the winner is.

Taking a break from the episode so Chris Harrison can talk to some people in the studio audience, including Lesley M, Sarah, AshLee, and Jackie.
Photo credit: ABC
“Couples who multiply together, stay together.” Lesley says. I love this! She refers back to when Sean and Catherine actually multiplied numbers together on one of their previous dates. But it is also mostly true in the children aspect of it. When you multiply and create a family you are forever linked to that person because of your child. I love Lesley. The four girls are just sitting in the audience with the rest of the normal. I am so jealous. Lol. I would have died from excitement if I could have sat close to Lesley and the other girls. I respect them so much and like I said in previous blogs, I think we would all be the greatest of friends. Ha. Back to the episode.

Here we go… Who will be the first to exit the limo? Because Sean will choose the second girl. He has to hurt the first one and I am anxious to see who it is. Before he even talks to her and says he can’t marry her, just the fact that she is the first one says she won’t be the one. It only makes sense. I already feel bad for whoever it is. Let us see what happens.
Photo credit: ABC

Oh no!!! It is Lindsay. I remember while watching this with all the people at the viewing party, everyone (including me) exclaimed “ooohhhhhh!” Because we all knew at this point that Sean chose Catherine. Congrats Reality Steve, you were right all along. Damn it.
Photo credit: ABC
That poor girl. I honestly cannot imagine feeling what she will be feeling when Sean lets her go. She is so excited and happy to be there. I think she expects him to propose so she will be blind sighted. She is so confident about getting engaged that it hurts me to watch. I should have had a counter for me because I think I might have said “oh no” like fifty times during this whole scene. I can tell it’s incredibly difficult for Sean to do this. To hurt her this way and say good bye. But that’s how it goes, you have to only choose one and hurt the other. I just felt so badly for her. She was so graceful and handled the rejection like a champ even thought she was hurting so badly. I really respect Lindsay, she is such a great person. Lindsay, you are only 24 years old. Still really young, you will find someone in the future. You will have great love and a wonderful husband. You will do great things.

Sean tells Lindsay he loves her. After breaking up with her. And then continues telling her how great she is. Sean, come on. You shouldn’t have said that. You really shouldn’t have. Her heart is already broken and she really doesn’t want to hear you love her. I can’t even bear to watch this. The pain she is feeling is unimaginable. All she can do is nod and say it’s okay. Aww. My heart just broke when she said, “Is it me?” Omg I just want to give her a huge hug. Sean loves Lindsay but is in love with Catherine. Big difference and the deciding factor to which girl he chose. Regardless of the situation, she still manages to say she is happy he found love. The shoes thing, just made me even sadder for her. She’s like f**k these heels I just got dumped.
Photo credit: ABC

So Chris comes along and gives Sean a letter. The infamous letter we have been seeing for weeks! It’s from Catherine! Uh oh. But it makes sense though that the letter is from Catherine, since she has been giving him little notes throughout the season.

Another break. Ugh. Chris why do you do this to us?! Sorry to call you out on this but I think you meant to say, “That was a brutal break up with Lindsay”, not Catherine which you said.

Back to the letter. It’s a freaking love letter! What the hell. I did not see this coming. The promos really twisted it and made it dramatic and bad. But nope it’s just Catherine confessing her love to him. And when we hear Sean say, “I can’t believe she did this to me” that was shown on the promos were never aired in this episode. I don’t think he ever said that in any episode. Ugh whatevs. Let’s get on with the proposal already.

So Catherine approaches Sean and literally blinks five times within one single second. Mascara fail. But she looks beautiful in her dress.
Photo credit: ABC
Photo credit: ABC
Photo credit: ABC
Catherine gets the final rose… and a ring. Congratulations! I wish you the best of luck Sean and Catherine. Have a bright future and a fairy-tale ending. xoxoxo. I am so happy to have shared this experience of watching Sean go on his amazing journey to find love and now he has. They ride into the sunset on an elephant. 
Of course they do.

Catherine: “I get this?!”
Sean: “Mhm. Your beefcake.”

Haha. They are so cute.

Well there we have it ladies and gents. The wonderful season finale of Sean’s Bachelor ending. Good luck and best wishes Sean and Catherine!!

Have a good night all!

Until next time...

All images are screenshots of the show taken by me (not taken from anywhere on the internet). However credit is still given to ABC for having the show available to watch online.